Friday, May 8, 2009

Yuengling in WV

Here's a picture of my very first Yuengling purchased in WV. It was courtesy of the Tricky Fish in Charleston. It's a "beach shack" located just a few blocks from the capitol building. They have outside seating, draft beer, Buzztime Trivia, quality tofu and of course, Yuengling!
Here's a link: Tricky Fish
Edit: Oh yeah, how could I forget? The Tricky Fish also has Dan Tompkins! The best bartender in the Valley.


  1. I am Jealous!!! Haven't yet stumbled across an establishment here in Motown that is serving - I think I must make a more dedicated effort!

  2. Hey L.C. AS stated previously in response to yr interesting blogs, Yuenglings are superb. But, if you eat tofu with a delicious beer you might as well be eating pencil erasers. Gimme some shrimp, wings, steak or club sammy's....ANYTHING but the infamous T. Double Huuuuu-ugh!

  3. Actually, Mr. 653, I had shrimp tacos yesterday... as opposed to the tofu tacos. Much better!

  4. awwwww, you're sweet. why didn't i know you blogged it up?
