Wednesday, May 6, 2009

One Word Wednesday



  1. This is hilarious.

    Dear Mr. Little Cat Blog Author, could you please, pretty please, make One Word Wednesdays a regular feature in your blog? Jesco and I will make it worth your while.

  2. That will cost ya... "FIVE BUUUCKS."

  3. Welp, LC, I have discussed this in house. Can't keep my fingers constrained. Miss C. may not have answered in line with the politcally correct opine of the day, but, to lose the toonament to a girl who had to answer something as mundane as to whether or not she would wear a tennis shoe if she had a hole in her sock is very bewildering to me. I hope you don't think I am a D.A. just cause I express myself. (?)

  4. I don't think she should have been penalized for her opinion either, since the question simply asked for her opinion. But if they are judging her answer based on eloquence, and I think that is what that portion of the contest is, she surely lost. "I believe in opposite marriage - no offense!!" Give me a break. She sounded like a 12-year-old. No offense. ;)

  5. By the way, Miss North Carolina (who won Miss USA - who knew?) answered the question of whether or not taxpayer money should be used to bail-out corporations. She answered it well, and didn't even make up any phrases.
