Thanks for getting me hooked on this program, Artie653. As far as I'm concerned, this is the best news program on television. It might be a bit liberal, but so am I!
I know, I know... it's 9:30 on Sunday morning here on the east coast and I'm missing it. None to fear, however. I DVR'd it! - Good lord, how old have I gotten? I'm recording news? Heheh.
I have been following CBS SM since the days it was hosted by Charles Karault and even more recently since the opening trumpet solo was changed from that of Doc Severinson to Wynton Marsalis. Just those brief solos are enough for most folks to recognize they are about to veiw the best in tv when it comes to arts, culture, interviews and the best two minute news summary in all of tv. I DVR it too, Mr. Media Cat; so I feel you are living up to what you were taught in school and do for a living. Enjoy!