It's hard to tell exactly how much this song means to me and the rest of West Virginia, but I do know this... it's as familiar to me as the back of my hand. I'm about 99% certain that I've listened to "Country Roads" more than any other in my lifetime. It may not have been by choice, but I've appreciated it every single time.
Thanks for the memories, Johnny Denver. You made a special one 40 years ago.
EDIT: Just as I say this song is as "familiar to me as the back of my hand," I realize I've been singing it wrong my entire life! It's not "blowing like a breeze" as I thought. It's "growing like a breeze." I'm seriously flabbergasted by this. Next thing I know someone's going to tell me I'm supposed to have six fingers on my oh so familiar hand. Sheesh!
Another year of college basketball winds down and this video, as usual, tells its story.
Two things to look for...
1. Dalton Pepper and Kevin Jones celebrating their victory over Clemson with a chest bump.
2. Kevin Jones strutting backwards down the court after a made basket against Kentucky.
Oh, and Luther Vandross has returned. Last year Jennifer Hudson got her shot to sing One Shinging Moment and replace Mr. Vandross. She failed and Luther is back!
EDIT: As usual, CBS took the original video off of youtube. So, here's a crappy version someone recorded off their TV.